Monday, April 28, 2008

random thoughts 4-28-08

I emailed (dunno who else did) PZ the Cebu scandal story. He wrote a fine piece on that one. ERV's down, deleted by Blogger. Apparently cuz she pissed people off. Probably Behe or Dembski, or those dimwits at Expelled. That prompted me to find out how I can back up my blog. As if someone's reading huh...anyweis...

I'm on my 4th week at my TESOL class at Times Media. Another 4 more to go. I have been procrastinating.. Delaying the inevitable that I have to make another essay for this week. Darn, I have to keep movin'...
My instructor at TESOL gives hand-outs (reading materials) from time to time. The first time he did, I complained the next day cuz I found the same material online. I found his recent hand-outs again online (2 articles, I don't want to bother checking the rest of it). Darn, I'm good!..He'll be pissed (or laugh about it again) when I tell him I found the materials he said he wrote on the world wide web...

I was at the sauna again last week. I've written about how Koreans are at saunas. This time, an old lady who had her back at me suddenly bent down and started to exercise or massage her feet or whatever..Remember this is Korea so saunas meant naked, no clothes or towels whatsoever. OMFG! C'mon, flashing your behind and every other part visible is NOT cool!!.. I don't think I'll recover from the sight of that.


rmacapobre said...

you get used to nakedness ..

Anonymous said...

Naked old ladies...

By the way, I'm putting a link to your blog on mine.

j. said...


j. said...
